It turns out there may be an issue with the official VC Blobs for raspberry pi in 64-bit mode. Long story short we can’t run void aarch64 on the raspberry pi for graphical tasks until there is an upstream fix.
Because I wanted to use the raspberry pi partially for graphical tasks, I switched from void-rpi3-musl-PLATFORMFS-20181111.img
(aarch64/musl) to void-rpi2-musl-PLATFORMFS-20181111.img
(armv7/musl). My basic void install/configuration guide works with these images and should work with glibc rootfs images too. This guide assumes you followed that one.
Running 2
script (linked in the basic void install/configuration guide) will install the armv7 image, but as always make sure you verify the script, mountpoints, etc. Using glibc (change LIBC
from ‘-musl’ to ‘’) might make Kodi perform better but I haven’t tested this.
The Guide
Install the minimal Xorg packages
- Install the minimal xorg meta package and video driver
xbps-install -S xorg-minimal xf86-video-fbturbo
- Install the minimal xorg meta package and video driver
(Optional) Test Xorg
- This step is to test if basic graphical functionality works
- Install the example programs used by the stock
xbps-install -S xterm twm xclock
- Run Xorg
- You should see xterm within a twm window and xclock running
- Uninstall the example programs if desired
xbps-remove -R xterm twm xclock
(Optional) Increase memory available to gpu
- Increasing video memory is not strictly required but it could make media run better
- Open
sudo vim /boot/config.txt
- Add the following line, save, and reboot
(Optional) Install the exFAT kernel diver
- The exFAT filesystem is currently the best option for cross platform (linux/windows/mac) usage and works well enough for media
xbps-install -S exfat-dkms
- The exFAT filesystem is currently the best option for cross platform (linux/windows/mac) usage and works well enough for media
Install Kodi
- Install the Kodi package
xbps-install kodi-rpi
- Install the Kodi package
Add the current user to various groups
- This may be required to interface with Kodi
sudo usermod -a -G input,dialout,plugdev,tty <user>
- This may be required to interface with Kodi
(Optional) Give Kodi keyboard access to the user
- This is a hacky solution, but it’s the only one I’ve found that works
- Open
sudo vim /etc/rc.local
- Add the following line and save
chmod 0660 /dev/tty0
Running Kodi as a standalone graphical process makes more sense for me at this time because I’m not using any other graphical programs on this RPI
vim ~/.xinitrc
Add the following and save
#!/bin/bash kodi --standalone sudo chvt 2 sleep 1 sudo chvt 1
Add execute permissions to
chmod 755 ~/.xinitrc
Start Xorg to run Kodi
(Optional) Fit Kodi screen to display
- My Kodi Window was too large for the display, here is what to do if you have this problem (assuming your
overscan settings are already correct)
- Click on Settings (gear icon)
- Click on System (bottom right)
- Toggle the setting level on the bottom left (gear icon) until it reads ‘Expert’
- Go to the ‘Display’ Tab, scroll down to Calibration, and click on ‘Video calibration…’
- Calibrate the window so that it is within your display
- My Kodi Window was too large for the display, here is what to do if you have this problem (assuming your